September 16, 2024

Vet Eats In Rescue Dog’s Cage To Make Her Feel Safe

A neglected dog is treated to company every morning for breakfast. Melt your heart video shows Graycie and her caretaker Dr. Andy Mathis eating out of metal dog bowls together in her kennel.

Doctors at this animal shelter in Georgia explain someone found Graycie on the side of a dirt road and wanted to get her help.

Doctors were able to bring her back to a healthier state but noticed she seemed scared eating alone. So Dr. Mathis took a unique approach to change that by eating next to her.

Dr. Mathis treats Graycie with such kindness and respect, showing her that it’s okay to dig in and enjoy her meal. He even takes his own breakfast into the kennel with hi, eating out of a metal dog bowl to show her that they are equals.

Check out the full story and the touching video below as Dr. Mathis sits down and eats breakfast with Graycie, the neglected and battered pit bull who was just rescued inside her kennel in the attempt to encourage her to eat breakfast.

Graycie the pit bull was found abandoned on a dirt road. Starving, hypothermic, and suffering from a vaginal prolapse, Graycie fell into the hands of Dr. Andy Mathis in Elberton, Georgia.

Graycie the pit bull was found abandoned on a dirt road. Starving, hypothermic, and suffering from a vaginal prolapse, Graycie fell into the hands of Dr. Andy Mathis in Elberton, Georgia.

Graycie the pit bull was found abandoned on a dirt road. Starving, hypothermic, and suffering from a vaginal prolapse, Graycie fell into the hands of Dr. Andy Mathis in Elberton, Georgia.
Granite Hills Animal Care

Dr. Mathis knew he had two choices — he could either put her to sleep or try to save her. Though the odds were stacked against her, he chose the latter.

Dr. Mathis knew he had two choices — he could either put her to sleep or try to save her. Though the odds were stacked against her, he chose the latter.

Dr. Mathis knew he had two choices — he could either put her to sleep or try to save her. Though the odds were stacked against her, he chose the latter.
Granite Hills Animal Care

Graycie improved every day. She began gaining weight and eating better. She became more alert and her gums returned to normal color. Graycie is a miracle.

Graycie improved every day. She began gaining weight and eating better. She became more alert and her gums returned to normal color. Graycie is a miracle.

Graycie improved every day. She began gaining weight and eating better. She became more alert and her gums returned to normal color. Graycie is a miracle.
Granite Hills Animal Care

She needs more time to heal physically and emotionally, but Dr. Mathis looks forward to the day Graycie is ready to be adopted into a forever home. In the meantime, she’s in wonderful hands.

She needs more time to heal physically and emotionally, but Dr. Mathis looks forward to the day Graycie is ready to be adopted into a forever home. In the meantime, she's in wonderful hands.

She needs more time to heal physically and emotionally, but Dr. Mathis looks forward to the day Graycie is ready to be adopted into a forever home. In the meantime, she's in wonderful hands.
Granite Hills Animal Care

Watch Dr. Andy Mathis lock himself in the cage with the battered, rescued pit bull, Graycie and eat breakfast next to her to keep her company.

Make sure you watch what happens when he starts eating. Graycie’s reaction to her savior’s incredible gesture is heartwarming and priceless!

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