September 19, 2024

Family Decorates Dogs’ Favorite Peek-Through Fence Hole To Entertain Neighbors

One of the best things about becoming a dog mom or dad is getting to know your pup’s personality — it’s a fascinating experience learning their likes, dislikes, habits, and quirks, all the while as they adjust into their new life.

Yet, as adorable as this all is, sooner or later we all discover (at least) one thing our beloved pooch likes to do that drives us absolutely crazy. Whatever it is, It will frustrate you, inconvenience you and may even get you in trouble with a neighbor or two, and because habits such as these ones are usually the hardest to break, sooner or later you learn to live with it.

Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram

When burger, who had just arrived at his new home after being adopted last year, started digging under the backyard fence so he could stick his head underneath to watch passerby’s it just looked like it was going to be another one of those things.

That is until his owner Brian Stanley had the genius idea to cut a doggy-sized window in the fence, perfect for stick his out, and watching the world go by Burger immediately stopped digging and was glued to his new window anytime he was outside, to the pleasant surprise of passerby’s.

Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram

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After a little time spent, Brain with plenty of help from his 7-year-old son Cameron the ‘bark’ was born; a doggo version of the famous ‘scream’ painting that would hang just where burgers head popped out creating a sight that would give any passerby a good chuckle.

Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram

Speaking on how he came up with the idea Stanley says;

“At first it started as a joke with my wife that I was going to paint something on the street side of the fence around the dog window, but then the idea of painting an actual picture and hanging it up to frame the hole started to form in my mind. I first talked about it to my son who was 100% behind the idea of putting something up on the fence to hopefully bring a smile to people’s faces.”

Source: thedogfence/Instagram

“People have told us that they plan their walks and bike rides to go by our fence and some people will even alter their drives so it takes them past it,” Stanley said. “I have been outside on multiple days with the dogs and see people walk up and take selfies with the fence and Burger. People bring treats to him and he just soaks up the attention.”

Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram
Source: thedogfence/Instagram

“All in all, it’s brought us closer to the community and the community closer to us while making everyone happy … it doesn’t get much better than that,” Stanley told The Dodo.

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