September 19, 2024

Protective Rottweiler Finds And Guards Family’s Bread Whenever They Leave The House

Rottweilers are known for being quite a protective breed of canine, which makes them ideal guard dogs, and 6-year-old Jakey is no exception to that rule. She means business when it comes to protecting what she loves.

While most dogs stand watch over the house, Jakey sets a more reasonable goal. She watches over her family’s bread when they’re away. Yep, that’s right, we said BREAD!

Credit: Katrina Frank

Jakey has recently become a bit of an internet sensation, garnering fans all over the world, after a hilarious photo was uploaded by her Mom, Katrina Frank of her guarding a loaf of bread with her life.

She started this four years ago when we moved to our farm,” Frank, told The Dodo. “Every time we would leave she would hide the bread.

“She likes to put it behind the couch and lay by it. Otherwise, [she puts it in] the closet in my bedroom,” Frank said. “I assume she thinks it’s the most important thing to us because we use it so often.”

Credit: Katrina Frank

As hilarious as it sounds; guarding the family loaf is no laughing matter to sweet Jakey, who refuses to allow her family to stop her from carrying out her duty as designated ‘Gluten Guardian’.

If her owners leave it in the pantry, she nudges the door open and gets it out. They’ve even put it in the refrigerator before and she opened the door to get to it out. But it’s no surprise considering her impeccable sense of smell.

Despite her obvious obsession with baked goods, Jakey shows an uncanny amount of discipline when it comes to the food she hides; having never once eaten it.

Credit: Katrina Frank

“If I’m out of bread, she moves on to baked goods,” Frank said. “Once she took a Tupperware of cookies off the counter and hid all 17 individually without breaking any. She led me to all of them.”

Despite the bizarreness of it all, there’s no doubt that guarding the bread around the house is just Jakey’s unique way of showing her family she loves them.

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