September 19, 2024

Black Lab Uses Every Ounce Of Strength Trying To Help Dog Drowning In Pool

Chucky and Jessie are the best canine friends, and they share their days and nights at their home in South Africa.

The dogs’ owners, Byron and Melissa Thanarayen, were inside their home recently while Chucky and Jessie spent time outdoors playing together.

The couple decided to have security cameras installed on their property to keep an eye on things. Unfortunately, they weren’t paying attention when Jessie saved Chucky’s life recently.

The surveillance cameras, however, recorded the heroic canine rescue and are being shared on social media.


Chucky, the couple’s 15-year-old Pomeranian, was outside walking near the in-ground pool recently when he suddenly slipped and fell in.

The tiny pooch struggled to stay afloat and could not muster the strength to pull himself up and out of the pool.

With each passing moment, Chucky’s stamina grew weaker and weaker until he nearly drowned. At that exact moment, Jessie noticed his friend in peril and sprung into action.

Over the course of the next 34 minutes, Jessie tried to pull his little canine buddy from the pool but was unable to do so.

He walked all around, tried to paw at his tiny pal, and finally, Chucky managed to swim towards the side of the pool.

The black Labrador tried his best to get Chucky up and out and onto dry land, but all his efforts failed. Finally, Jessie used his teeth to gently pull Chucky out of the water and onto the concrete.

Without a care in the world, Chucky shook himself off, and cameras captured the duo playing together in the carport and yard. It wasn’t until their owners saw the dog all wet that they reviewed the surveillance footage.

They could not believe what they saw, as their brave Labrador saved his tiny Pomeranian pal from drowning. What a good boy you are, Jessie! According to the owner’s Facebook page, they plan to get a cover for the pool.

H/T: Times Now News

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