September 16, 2024

Four Years After His Dog Went Missing, Man Finds His Lost Dog & Has Tearful Reunion

There’s nothing worse than when a pet goes missing. You know they must be out there somewhere and do everything you can to find them… but after some point you just have to accept that they might be gone for good.

And yet, sometimes miracles happen, and our long-gone pets return to us at the most unexpected times.

That’s what one man learned when he got a shocking phone call, setting the stage for a tearful reunion with an old friend.

Four years ago, Mike Plas, from Ontario, Canada, lost his beloved dog, Jack. While the dog was microchipped with his information, Mike never heard anything about his whereabouts and assumed Jack was gone for good.

Mike was devastated to lose his friend: “Life without him has never been the same,” he wrote on Facebook.

Years passed, and Mike accepted that his dog was gone… but on September 20, 2019, he got a phone call that changed everything.

“An animal shelter from Winnipeg called me and ask my name and if I had a dog named Jack,” Mike wrote. He told the shelter that he did, but that Jack went missing four years ago.

That’s when they delivered the shocking news: they had Jack! The shelter was able to identify Mike as the owner thanks to the dog’s microchip.

Mike was stunned, but made the trek to Winnipeg with some family members to finally get his dog back.

Finally arriving at the shelter, Mike saw his long-lost friend once again, a reunion no one ever thought possible. It was a beautiful moment: Mike couldn’t contain his joyful tears, and an excited Jack wags his tail and rolls over to receive some love from his old master:

The precious moment has gone viral with over 4 million views on Facebook.

“They brought him out and [it] instantly felt like my life was back to normal,” Mike wrote on Facebook.

It’s an inspiring story that shows that there’s always a chance for a miracle, even when all hope seems lost.

“The feeling of having [Jack] back is unexplainable,” Mike wrote. “Never EVER [lose] hope…. I didn’t and after 4 years apart in different provinces we are together again.”

But more practically speaking, it’s also a reminder of how important it is to get your pets microchipped — a safe and affordable practice that has helped shelters reunite countless lost animals with their owners, even after years apart.

What a beautiful reunion! Share this heartwarming story!

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