September 19, 2024

Rescue Corgi Mom ‘Adopts’ Orphaned Pit Bull Puppies As Her Own

It’s incredible how loving and caring dogs can be, especially mother dogs. We’ve seen moms do incredible things to protect their puppies.

But sometimes dogs step up to be mothers to puppies that aren’t even theirs. In one inspiring story, a corgi became the unlikely mother to some orphaned pit bull pups and nursed them to health.

Stephanie Easley, a volunteer at No Dog Left Behind Minnesota, was put in charge of a litter of orphaned pit bull puppies. Without their mother they needed the best care they could get.

“I fed them every 2 hours,” Stephanie wrote on Facebook. “Night and day.”

There were four puppies—two of the litter had passed away due to medical conditions, but the rest were growing and alert.

Then, the shelter had an inspiring idea to give the puppies even more love: to put them with a mother dog named Sara.

According to The Dodo, Sara was rescued after being abandoned by a puppy farm. She was apparently used for breeding but was thrown away for being a “bad mom.”

She was pregnant when rescued, and the shelter realized she was actually a great parent: “She has been an amazing mom from the start,” Stephanie told The Dodo. “She is always loving and checking on her puppies.

While she was a Corgi, the shelter thought Sara might be the perfect mom for the pit bull pups… and she happily took care of the new babies:

“She has taken over all mom responsibilities,” Stephanie said.

Sara nursed the newborn puppies along with her own children, and soon the two litters unexpectedly began to mix.

“Both litters of pups act as one … which is really strange due to the age and developmental difference,” Stephanie told The Dodo.

“The corgi puppies are even behaving more gentle to their orphaned sibling pups. They sleep together in one giant pile.” 

What a beautiful story! A dog’s maternal instinct is an incredible thing. Thank you to this loving Corgi for caring for these poor puppies!

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