September 19, 2024

Man Rescues and Brings Home Emaciated Dog on Remote Island Near Belize

The following story shows how photographer named Wesley White saved the life of a hungry dog right there at the right time while he was on a business trip to Belize. He wanted to explore the beautiful island and take pictures.

Having little free time, he really wanted to enjoy the wonderful trip. On the first day of his tour, he decided to kayaking to the small island of Thatch Cay.

Arriving on the island, he found a hungry dog ​​entering an fishing pond. As you can see from the photos, the poor dog was so skinny that you can clearly see his bones, but he was sympathetic.

“I saw him wag his tail,” Wesley said. Wesley called other people for help, but no one was there. He didn’t think the dog would last another day if he was left there. He urgently needed to rescue the dog.

So he put the dog in the kayak and returned to the hotel. If he does not do anything to help him, the dog would not last for long. As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he called for help.

Fortunately, there were kind people out there willing to help. They fed the dog and took him to the vet.

Unfortunately Wesley did not stay long with the dog as he only had 36 hours left before he left Belize. Veterinarians continued to contact Wesley to inform him that the dog was recovering and ready to move into foster care.

After two months with the foster family, the dog was able to fly to Dallas to meet Wesley.

The dog’s new name is Winston. Now he is happy in Wesley’s house with his owner and friends. Check out how fate reunited Wesley with a hungry puppy. Wesley is simply a true hero.

Have a look at the following video for more, let us know your thoughts and do not forget to spread out the video to your friends and family on social media in order to make their day beautiful.

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