September 19, 2024

Protective Dog Makes Sure Kids Are in Bed & Asleep Every Night

The footage in this story presents a lovely dogs taking care of children and making sure they are safe and sleeping well. Anyone who has called a dog “man’s best friend” obviously has never seen a dog with his beloved children.

Dogs are undeniably loyal and incredibly protective of the little humans, and it is often very enjoyable to see this in action. Even when the lights go out at night and the family goes to bed, this cute puppy named Killian continues to prove just how good he is.

Recently, Kelly Rottet, the owner of Killian, shared a touching video showing the dog’s adorable night routine.

“This is our dog Killian. We got it when he was about 8 weeks when we were pregnant with our third child. So he grew up with three children of the same age.”

CCTV footage of Rotetz’s house shows Killian quietly walking around the house, stopping to check the three children asleep in bed as he walks through the house to make sure everything is in peace.

“He does a lot of work,” Rottet said. “He’ll be roaming the house all night, checking the status of all of us.”

This is a soulful video showing puppy’s lovely night routine. No one had ever taught Killian to be so attentive to his loved ones. But the more his family loves him, the more he takes care of the family.

“The fact that he’s guarding the house at night gives us a sense of security,” Rottet said.

It is simply incredible to see Killian making sure the kids are safe and sound in bed at night. We should never forget that dogs are part of our family and we should treat them that way.

Not only will they love us unconditionally, they will protect and take care of us in any situation.

Check out the video below! And let us know if you agree with that and do not forget to spread out the video to your friends and family on social media.

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