September 19, 2024

Unwanted dog spared from euthanasia still looking for a home after 500 days in shelter

It’s always heartbreaking when dogs are surrendered by their owners — especially when said owners actually want the dog to be put to sleep.

That was the sad story for one dog — and unfortunately, things didn’t get much better from there: though the dog got to live, he’s spent 500 days waiting for a new forever home.

But this dog hasn’t lost hope, and his carers hope there’s a perfect family out there somewhere.

Buddy, a 10-year-old terrier, has been at the RSPCA Brent Knoll Animal Centre in Somerset, England longer than any other dog. He arrived there all the way back in 2020, brought by vets after his previous owners had tried to have him euthanized.

The RSPCA says that Buddy had a “less than ideal relationship” with the owner: “There was a clear breakdown in communication between them and this resulted in misunderstandings,” they wrote.

Thankfully, the vets refused their request, sparing the dog’s life and hoping he could have a second chance with a new family.

Despite his troubled past, his carers at the RSPCA have called Buddy an “affectionate chap” and a “cute lad.” And while his previous owner gave him up due to some challenging behavior, he’s greatly improved with lots of love and training.

Despite all this, however, Buddy recently marked his 500th day in the shelter. He has been at the RSPCA branch longer than any other dog.

But they are still holding out hope that Buddy will find a perfect home: “Buddy has been loving life here with us… but as much as we love him, we can’t help longing to see him move on to his new home,” the RSPCA wrote on Facebook.

But given Buddy’s past, he’ll need a stress-free home, with owners who can continue to show him the love and attention he needs.

“Buddy is going to need a very special home with conscientious owners who have time and patience to help him live the happiest life possible,” his adoption page reads. “This life will need to be free from confrontation, other dogs and other identified stressors.”

So not every home is right for Buddy, but the RSPCA is hoping there is still a perfect family for him out there somewhere. And whoever takes him in will have a loving, playful companion.

At 10 years old, Buddy is no puppy, but he’s still bounding with energy: “Don’t be fooled by his age, this kid’s still FULL of beans!!” they wrote on Facebook.

500 days is far too long for any dog to be in a shelter. We hope that after everything this poor dog has been through, he finds a loving forever home soon!

If you are interested in adopting Buddy, you can reach out to the RSPCA North Somerset Branch via Buddy’s adoption page!

If not, be sure to spread the word by sharing this story so we can find this great dog a home!

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