September 19, 2024

Obese Man Adopts Overweight Dog – Together They Accomplish Empowering Feat

When a person rescues a dog, there’s an old saying that many times, the dog rescues that person, too. That’s what happened with Eric, a 340-pound man, and the dog he saved, named Peety.

At the time, Eric tipped the scales at 340 pounds and had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. He was taking over $1,000 worth of medicines each month.

Even when he traveled for business, Eric would spill over into two airplane seats. He knew he would die if he didn’t do something.

Source: Mutual Rescue/YouTube

He found a nutritionist, who told the man to adopt a dog. At the shelter, he asked for an obese middle-aged dog to have something in common.

There, he found Peety, who changed his life in so many ways. They walked a half-hour together every day, and during that time Eric developed healthy eating habits.

Source: Mutual Rescue/YouTube

In the course of a year, he took off 140 pounds! He was able to get off the medications, no longer has type 2 diabetes, and Peety lost 25 pounds, too!

Sine the dog had no attention and was confined alone to a backyard prior to adoption, he had a whole new life, too.

Eric always wanted to be a marathon runner, and now he set his sights on that goal. Sadly, things took a turn for the worse with Peety as he got older.

Source: Mutual Rescue/YouTube

Large cancerous growth was discovered on his spleen and he passed away one day in Eric’s arms. The man was devastated but determined to keep going.

Six months later after completing a race, he drove to a local animal shelter and adopted a dog named Jake. The pooch gave the man a look like “hey, dude let’s get out of here!”

Eric says Jake is a completely different dog and runs 10 miles at a time with him. Together they will soon do a half marathon as a team.

Source: Mutual Rescue/YouTube

The once overweight man thanks Peety the dog for making him the best person he can possibly be. Watch their epic journey in the video below.

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