September 19, 2024

Tiny dog rescued from puppy mill was given six months to live, but defies the odds thanks to family

Some pets have the odds stacked against them — they can come from rough backgrounds or have health issues that give them only a short time to live.

But with a little love and care, some dogs defy the odds and live long and happy lives — like one rescue pup, who was only given six months to live but is still going strong eight years later, thanks to her new family.

Pipsqueak, a Yorkshire Terrier, began her life in a puppy mill. She was rescued following a raid and placed in a foster home, but her foster later had to give her up after undergoing a lung transplant.

Thankfully, a woman named Kelsey stepped in to take Pipsqueak. “She called me and said we have this special needs little dog and no one to take her,” Kelsey recalled to GeoBeats Animals.

Source: pipsqueak_thedog

Sadly, she was warned that Pipsqueak might not have much longer to live. Vets estimated that she only had six months left, due to a number of medical issues that resulted from improper breeding at the puppy mill.

“The smaller the dog, the more money they raise,” Kelsey explained. “So they tend to breed the runts with the runts.”

As a result, Pipsqueak, true to her name, is very tiny: she only weighs 1.8 pounds and is the size of a guinea pig.

According to the dog’s website, she also has hydrocephalus, a liver shunt, spine and neck issues, and jaw problems that resulted in the loss of all her teeth.

Source: pipsqueak_thedog

With that grim prognosis, Kelsey and her husband decided to just give Pipsqueak a comfortable loving home for the rest of her short life — but remarkably, Pipsqueak defied the odds.

Months and years went by, and the couple soon realized that Pipsqueak still had plenty of life in her, despite her issues.

“From the beginning she was such a fighter,” Kelsey told GeoBeats. “She never gives up, even when she doesn’t feel good, even when she’s tired she keeps going.”

In fact, Pipsqueak inspired the couple to open their home to even more special needs dogs: they’ve now adopted six more rescue dogs to join Pipsqueak’s pack, all “pipsqueak” size.

Pipsqueak also delights her family with an adorable and unusual quirk: she barks like a duck. “She quacks at us,” Kelsey said.

Source: pipsqueak_thedog

And Pipsqueak also delights and inspires others outside her home. She is now a therapy dog for the nonprofit Paws & Think, inspiring people who have their own physical and mental issues to defy the odds.

“The way that she can bond with these kids is incredible,” Kelsey told GeoBeats, recalling how the dog inspired a boy in a wheelchair.

Kelsey says that Pipsqueak is getting older and slowing down with age, but she’ll always remember how the little dog defied the odds. “We never thought we’d get this much time with her so we want to remember every moment,” she said.

“Every single day she inspires me.”

What a sweet little dog. We’re so glad that Pipsqueak has defied the odds all these years and inspired others with her story.

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