September 16, 2024

Woman Discovers Her Dad Dozing Off With All The Neighborhood Dogs

It’s not unusual for Catey Hall to check on her father and see him dozing off on the couch. However, dogs from the neighborhood join Hall’s dad to build a large, comfortable pile so that he never sleeps alone.

“Dad sees, plays with, and naps with one or more of these dogs on a daily basis,” Hall spoke with The Dodo. “They come running when they see his car and follow him inside.”

Lon Watson, Hall’s father, has always had a passion for dogs and works with the neighborhood animal shelter Pound on the Hill to make sure all animals receive the care they require.

Hall said that “For as long as I can remember, my dad has rescued stray dogs.” “Growing up, we always had a dog. But there was always room for a stray in need. Now that he lives alone with his wife, there’s room for several.

They work with rescues in the area to find homes for the dogs in need; however, not all of them are re-homed, and they stay with dad forever.”

Watson and his wife have all four of the resident dogs that they have saved and rehabbed. However, Hooch, Fluffer-Nutter, and Rosie, all live nearby and have a special connection to Watson, paying him a visit every day.

The dogs in the area are willing to wait all day for a quick encounter with Watson. “The neighborhood is an unincorporated section of semi-rural Alabama. The houses are set far back from the street, so the dogs can bounce from house to house safely,” Hall added. “The dogs can usually hear my dad’s truck coming, and they will meet him in the driveway.”

Fortunately, Watson’s human neighbors don’t seem to mind that their dogs spend the majority of their time with Watson, and they never interfere with their exclusive naptime.

Every dog that Watson meets just seems to click with him. Even Hall’s two dogs attempt to participate. “As a matter of fact, they try to leave with Dad when he’s here visiting,” Hall stated.

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