September 19, 2024

Man Sobs As He Reunites With The Dog He Had To Give Up When He Becomes Homeless

Loving our dogs means doing anything for them, even if it means giving them up so they could live a better life. That’s what one Florida man did when he had fallen on hard times and sadly became homeless.

Dakota is his absolute best friend, but he knew that living on the streets was no life for a dog. He couldn’t afford food for her any longer, and he made a sacrifice and did the hardest thing one could do in order to make sure the Dakota would be well cared for.

He surrendered his fur baby to the Tampa Bay Humane Society, hoping that she would find a better life.

At the shelter, Dakota was cared for and well-loved by all of the staff, but she was overlooked by many people and remained unadopted for weeks.

While this seems upsetting, it definitely worked out this way for a reason.

Humane Society of Tampa Bay/Facebook

The humane society received a call from Dakota’s dad, who ended up getting his life together in the short time that Dakota was in the shelter.

He got a new job, found a home, and called the shelter hoping that Dakota was still there.

Part of him expected her to have been adopted by now, but once he found out she was still there, he knew it was fate

The humane society set up a time for the man to come and reunite with his best friend, and the moment couldn’t have been sweeter.

“When we brought Dakota to her Dad she absolutely squealed with delight and ran straight into his arms,” Humane Society of Tampa Bay wrote on Facebook.

“The young man was so overwhelmed with emotion that he began to cry. Let’s be real, so did we! It was a very heartwarming moment.”

Humane Society of Tampa Bay/Facebook

The inseparable pair snapped a photo together, with both of them smiling from ear to ear. Dakota’s dad made a sacrifice to give Dakota the best life possible, but in the end, he will be the one giving her the best life!

The humane society gave Dakota a new leash, collar, and six months of preventative meds to help her dad as he continues getting back on his feet.

We know that Dakota will live a great life with her dad, and we are so happy that things worked out in the end for both of them. Dreams really do come true!

H/T to Wane & Humane Society of Tampa Bay.

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