September 19, 2024

Deaf, abandoned dog unable to stand learns to walk again thanks to rescuers

It’s incredible the difference a little love can make in the life of a dog. Just a few months ago, all seemed hopeless for a dog named Razz: the deaf dog was abandoned by his owner, and he was unable to walk.

But now, this beautiful dog is living his best life after finding a new home.

According to the Mansfield News Journal, Razz was left at the Richland County Dog Shelter on May 3. On top of that, the dog — a 1-year-old pit/Staffordshire bull terrier mix — was disabled: he was deaf and unable to walk.

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter

Shelter workers took in the poor dog, but were perplexed by his mobility issues: “We’ve not been able to pinpoint anything,” dog warden Missy Houghton told the Journal. “It’s either neurological, something in his spine or genetic.”

The dog’s owner was reportedly identified but not charged with abandonment. They did not provide any information about Razz’s health conditions.

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter

While it was a mystery, the shelter workers were still determined to help the dog walk again. They consulted other vets, and tried various methods from electro-acupuncture to laser therapy to Reiki sessions.

While the shelter has never quite figured out what kept Razz from walking, he’s since made some incredible progress.

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter

Under their care, Razz regained some of his mobility, going from being completely unable to stand to being able to walk a little and play with tennis balls.

“He’s been improving by leaps and bounds,” Dr. Cheryl Becker, the dog’s acupuncturist at Mohican Veterinary Wellness Center, told the Journal. “His personality, he’s wanting to get up and move. You can see it in his eyes.”

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter

As he began to make strides in his recovery, Razz also became quite a celebrity.

“They love him,” Houghton said. “Everybody loves a comeback story or an underdog story.

Razz’s story especially moved Bethany Higgins, a veterinary assistant at Mohican Veterinary Wellness Center — so much so that she decided to give the dog a loving new home!

“I fell in love with him when I first met him, but so did everyone,” Bethany told the Mansfield News Journal. “We had a pretty special connection from the beginning, and everyone could see it. It got to a point where it was kind of hard to deny it.”

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter

After the dog won the hearts of her family, Bethany officially adopted Razz last month.

Razz has regained his weight, and continues to make steady improvements in his mobility. Despite the challenges of having a disabled dog, Bethany says she’s more than ready.

Source: Razzle Dazzle

“Special needs is my thing,” she told the Journal, adding that she always wanted a deaf dog. “I’ve had a special-needs cat before. It was definitely something I knew I could take on.”

And Razz gives her plenty of love in return: she says that he’s a very affectionate, loving dog: “He’s just a lover.”

Source: Razzle Dazzle

After finding a new home, Razz continues to inspire, and Bethany says she’s considering writing a children’s book about his story.

Thank you to everyone who cared for this beautiful dog and changed his life! We’re so happy Razz has learned to walk again and has found a loving new home!

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