September 19, 2024

Fairy tale ending: Dog named Cinderella adopted after 1,139 days in shelter

Life isn’t always a fairy tale for shelter dogs: some have to wait years to find their forever home, and others never get adopted at all.

But it was finally a “happily ever after” for one sweet pit bull-terrier mix named Cinderella, who finally found a home after 1,139 days in the shelter.

Cinderella arrived at the spcaLA’s Long Beach shelter in 2020. She’s a sweet dog who loves to play and get belly rubs, but for years no one was interested in adopting her.

Like trying to find the owner of a glass slipper, it took time to find just the right fit: according to ABC 13, she was adopted out earlier this year, only to be returned a day later because she was too large.

“It’s just been a very long road,” Ana Bustilloz, the shelter’s communications and marketing director, told ABC 13. “Our experience is that for very special dogs, they just need the perfect family, the perfect fit, and we do everything we can to reach those people.”

Last year, Cinderella underwent surgery for a torn ligament, which was paid for through donations. She has since made a full recovery.

During her time in the shelter, Cinderella has received hundreds of hours of training and enrichment, making her an ideal candidate for a new home. And yet after three years it still seemed like no one wanted to give this sweet dog a home. At 6 years old, Cinderella has spent half her life just waiting to be adopted.

But recently, she got a miracle: Jasika Sarceno and her family recently visited the shelter, and asked to meet the dog who had been there the longest.

At 1,139 days, the longest resident was Cinderella, and the family hit it off right away with the dog. While many people pass over older dogs and pit bull mixes, this family went out of their way to choose an overlooked dog.

“She chose us. We didn’t choose her,” Jesika Sarceno told ABC 13. “Right now, I’m teaching my children that a lot of animals are left because of their ages, because of their breeds.”

Cinderella is now settling in well in her new home, which includes kids and four cats. “She is so playful, she’s loving, she doesn’t bark at anybody, really,” Jesika said. “She’s really, really good with the kids, and she protects my son already.”

The family has reportedly changed the dog’s name to “Lola,” but it’s safe to say it’s been a true Cinderella story with a fairy tale ending.

We’re so glad that Cinderella/Lola has finally been adopted after 3 years in the shelter! A true storybook ending — enjoy your new home!

Please share this amazing news if you love dogs!


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