September 6, 2024

Horse Melts Millions Of Hearts When Says Final Goodbye At His Funeral Owner

This story, that took place in West Virginia, shows us that animals can always be loyal to their owners. The hero of this story is Major, a vicious, young stallion, who was brought to Janna Grapperhaus’ home by her father.

When the horse was brought home, he was still wild as he was treated badly from his previous owners, who used harsh techniques with him including leaving him tied without food or water for almost and even beating him. Janna said that the horse barreled through 5 fence’s strands within minutes of arriving in addition to striking and biting anyone came close to him.

Her father refused to give up on him and started gaining his trust. Janna’s mama named the horse Major Deal as she thought that he was going to kill her husband. However, Janna’s dad spent all the time with the horse in hopes that one day he would gain his trust.

Eventually, the horse trusted her father after almost 2 years of hard work. The horse did not just trust Janna’s father, he even started falling in love with him and giving him kisses wherever he wanted to go out.

Unfortunately, the father recently died. And while he was being mourned at his funeral by his friends and family, Major came to say goodbye by approaching the casket to give him one last kiss. How emotional!

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