August 29, 2024

Family Travels 2,600 Miles To Adopt Husky With A Crooked Smile From Shelter.

Finding the perfect dog for your family is something very hard as not all the dogs can be a great fit to your family.

However, when you find or feel that you can get the dog that would be suitable for your family, you will go far away just to get it and that’s exactly what a family in Seattle did when they fell in love with Harvey, a husky with a facial deformity, and drove 2600 miles heading to the shelter in San Diego and going back to Seattle to adopt it. 

The story began when some photos of Harvey were shared on social media by Joy Ollinger, an officer of the San Diego County Department of Animal Services, hoping that he would find a forever home. That’s when Sherry Lankston saw the photos and fell in love with him directly. She drove along with her kids and dog to San Diego to adopt the dog without showing any care of the bad weather as it was raining heavily.

Lankston said that they haven’t been in San Diego for so long, so they decided to went there in hopes they could adopt the dog before getting adopted by another family.

Thankfully, the family were lucky enough to meet Harvey and to adopt him as he was still available when they arrived at the shelter. What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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