September 16, 2024

Mom Rushes To Prevent The Euthanasia Of 15-Year-Old Dog And Her 13-Year-Old Sons

A call came to the director and founder of House with a Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary, Sher Polvinale, about a dog and her sons. The director said that calls are often about giving up pets to the shelter but this one was a life changing call for this dog family.

The family dog, the 15-year-old mama, Bella, her 13-year-old sons, Ciroc and Hudson, were surrendered to the shelter by their owner’s sister after he died.

The woman who surrendered them was sad to give them to the shelter as she wanted to take care of them but they were not getting along with her other dogs, and her husband had health challenges, which forced her to move with them. So, Sher told the woman that she would do everything she could to find a better place for the dogs as the shelter was full.

So, she asked the woman to give her basic information photos of the dog so she could contact other rescue organizations to help them. But she was surprised when she was told that she set an appointment for all the 3 Chihuahuas to be put down on that day! So, Sher started convincing the woman to surrender the dogs to House with a Heart and cancel the appointment.

And that’s what happened as all the dogs were moved to the shelter. Sher said that the dogs will stay in the sanctuary receiving the best care they need till they find them forever homes. The sanctuary rely on donations to take care of all dogs. So, you can donate them by visiting their website.

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