As he lay dying of pain, he took refuge on a post until someone heard him

Despite the fact that there are hundreds of campaigns and constant battles for the rights of animals, unfortunately in some countries there is no kind of law protecting them .

Giving full license to the perverted imagination of some individuals, who perceive puppies as an object of delight in order to mercilessly punish them. They abuse them without feeling any kind of civil and moral obligation, let alone legal one.

Some assume that by not being punished by law, it’s okay to abuse a puppy.

Our small protagonist got slapped badly for no reason, and the puppy was prostrating and hurt on a job that became his refuge .

Immersed in his pain, the puppy was slowly dying until a woman heard him and decided to act to save him . She called the local animal shelter and brought a blanket to cover the unfortunate animal.

The puppy was really scared and upset

While waiting for help, the executioners returned to beat the dog again but the woman got in the way, did not allow them to continue torturing her, even suffered some blows for being on the way.

But none of this mattered to the heroic woman who knew that help was approaching, she just wanted to save the helpless little dog .

The puppy cried in his sleep at night

Fortunately, rescuers came and gave him the treatment he needed, immediately took him to the shelter and gave him some painkillers and antibiotics to help with the pain .

The veterinarian was not present, so they had to wait until the next day to examine him and get an extensive diagnosis. The puppy was not very friendly, he tried to attack the rescuers which is quite normal, some guys were guilty because of his suffering.

They decided to name the puppy Suki

Suki was so shocked that he didn’t want anyone to touch him, a thorough examination of him was very difficult, he didn’t want to make eye contact and was constantly staring at the wall .

It took a few weeks for the rescuers to earn the puppy’s trust and he realized that they just wanted to help him.

Suki has spinal damage and worms in his heart, and the veterinarians have been doing their best to fully recover, not only his body but his soul.

It took Sookie two months to recover well enough.

Finally, the puppy has improved his state of Health, and now he can sit and stand on his own. Now he is wearing a wonderful silky thick coat , he is a really happy little dog.

At that time, he had a temporary home but we hope that he will be able to find a permanent one.

Thanks to all the rescuers and to the brave woman who risked saving this wonderful ball of fur. Share this rescue.

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