Rescue dog with extreme mange and huge maggot wound on Neck

A dog, suffering from severe mange and a maggot-infested wound, was discovered in a remote area of Manali. His body was worn and battered by the harsh environment, and he was in excruciating pain. When the rescue team first approached, the dog recoiled in fear, refusing to submit to treatment. His spirit seemed broken, and he roamed the streets, terrified and hurting.

The rescuers understood the urgency of the situation. Time was critical if they were to save his life. With careful attention, they started by applying medicine to the maggots infesting his neck wound, knowing the treatment had to be immediate and thorough.

They provided the dog with a quiet, isolated space, hoping to help him feel secure. Despite their efforts to create a calm environment, the dog remained unapproachable, hiding in the corner, eyes wide with fear. His neck wound was severe, and the mange had left his skin raw and furless, making his condition even more challenging.

The team proceeded with the initial treatment as gently as possible, trying to minimize his distress. However, the dog continued to shy away from the rescuers, consistently trying to avoid any interaction. His fear made it difficult for anyone to provide the round-the-clock care he desperately needed.

As the weeks passed, though, small changes began to emerge in the dog’s behavior. His fear began to slowly diminish, and he showed signs of tentative trust.

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