As She Exits The Shelter, The Happiest Puppy Can’t Stop Wagging Its Tail

Every shelter sees countless dogs come through its doors, but some, like Matilda at Douglas County Animal Shelter, leave an indelible mark. Matilda, a beautiful puppy, arrived with an air of unfamiliarity about her, though she was typically cheerful. She found immediate adoption upon entering the shelter.

Matilda’s early months were marred by hardship—a stray on Georgia’s streets, she arrived at the shelter with skin irritation and worm infections. Yet, despite these challenges, her sunny disposition never wavered, her tail wagging incessantly.

Volunteer Santina Sanders described Matilda as giving “amazing kisses,” capturing hearts at Peebles and More Animal Rescue with her gentle demeanor. Teresa Buls Ciofalo, a director at the rescue, formed a bond with Matilda and chose to foster her from the shelter.

When Matilda met her adoptive father, the joy was palpable—her tail wagged furiously throughout the hour-and-a-half car ride home, a crooked gait testament to her exuberance.

Matilda adored her new home but had one quirk—she despised collars. Her tail would stop wagging whenever Rich, her adoptive father, attempted to put one on her, a clear sign of her discomfort.

Despite her aversion to collars, Matilda thrived in her new environment, relishing time with her foster siblings, playing with toys, and even assisting her human sibling with schoolwork. Matilda’s story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of love, both given and received, reminding us of the incredible bond between animals and humans.

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