Forgotten And Abandoned In Despair: An Abandoned Dog’s Fight For Survival Ignites An Angry Fight Against Injustice For This Small Creature

Forgotten And Abandoned In Despair: An Abandoned Dog’s Fight For Survival Ignites An Angry Fight Against Injustice For This Small Creature

The bikers were passing by without any care. He tried to stand up but he couldn’t! The rescue came to know about a dog that someone noticed near a pet-market. They went to the place as fast as they could despite heavy traffic.

They were surprised to find the dog lying obviously lifeless on the ground and the folks were simply watching the drama! They weren’t convinced of his death so they tried giving him CPR but his soul had already fled

A passerby informed them about a puppy that was presumably his brother. The rescue squad rushed to the informed place. They observed a puppy lying on the ground and drinking sewer water.

They couldn’t control tears! The motorcycles were going by without any care. He tried to rise up but he couldn’t! His leg was experiencing some trouble — maybe broken!

They cover him with a blanket and took him straight the Vet Clinic and there, they gived him some food and took care of him.

His rear leg was seriously injurt but through care and exercise he will mend and run again.

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