Poor Dog A Belly As Big As A Wheel, Had Difficulty Breathing, Weakly Hiding From The Harsh Sunlight

Poor Dog A Belly As Big As A Wheel, Had Difficulty Breathing, Weakly Hiding From The Harsh Sunlight

Receiving the photo asking help from an aunt, I felt that this child was in pain, he really needed someone to help him.

When the weather was too hot, he could only hide inside, shade from the trunk and pants to avoid heat and reduce pain.

This dog was rescued at Kaohsiung port, With a belly as big as a wheel, he had trouble breathing but still had to wander the streets begging for food.

After removing 9000ml of ascites, Hong Kong’s body and mind are now lighter and can move easily.

Now this dog who had been wandering all his life and had never been cared for, now had someone to accompany and take care of him, and he began to enjoy a happy life.

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