So Heartbreaking: The Poor Dog With An Infected Head Swollen ” Like A Balloon “, I Can’t Imagine How She Went Through Those Days!

So Heartbreaking: The Poor Dog With An Infected Head Swollen ” Like A Balloon “, I Can’t Imagine How She Went Through Those Days!

I believe that this is truly an energetic dog with strong vitality!Every minute and every second that passes is when physical pain torments that angel.

Even though we’ve been together for a while, every time I look at that baby, there are so many emotions in my heart.

Vana is just 6 months old. I couldn’t even believe that she survived this condition.

This poor girl had 3 layers of wire wrapped around her neck.2 layers of wire were on the outside, while one layer had penetrated deep into the neck.

As a result of this, she not only suffered from severe infectionsIt also caused her face to swell and she couldn’t eat or breathe normally.

Her face was filled with fluid and blood.She was also covered in fleas and ticks so she also had parasites in her blood.She was then at the vet with the wonderful Abdo

The doctors made a treatment plan, and although it took a long time to recover, in the end, thank God, our little angel miraculously recovered, and the internal problems in the body also disappeared. The neck has improved very well

Look at the photo below, what do you think, this baby looks much better, right?

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