Street Adorable Puppy Found With Huge Hernia On Her Belly

Street Adorable Puppy Found With Huge Hernia On Her Belly

Star Rescue Network in India responded urgently to a distress call about a small puppy with a massive lump. Dubbed Rahi, the little street pup was alone and in need of immediate medical attention. The lump on her belly was so large it hindered her ability to rest comfortably.

Upon examination, veterinarians diagnosed Rahi with an inguinal hernia, a serious condition requiring surgical intervention. Despite her small size, surgery was deemed the safest option. Under anesthesia, Rahi underwent the delicate procedure, during which the hernia was repaired and two loose teeth were removed.

Post-surgery, Rahi needed time to recuperate. She was placed in a caring shelter environment where staff ensured she received round-the-clock attention. Despite initial weakness, Rahi’s recovery progressed steadily.

Days passed, and Rahi’s transformation was remarkable. The once-distressing lump disappeared, and she regained her playful spirit. Her joy and health were evident to everyone who cared for her.

Rahi’s journey from a vulnerable street puppy to a happy, energetic dog was a testament to the compassionate care provided by rescuers and veterinarians. Her story highlighted the resilience of animals and the importance of timely medical intervention and loving support in their recovery. Today, Rahi is thriving—a living example of how kindness and dedication can transform a life for the better.

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